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8 HP Honda Outboard Motor



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Quick Overview

4-Blade Aluminum Propeller and Fuel Tank Included.
Honda’s BFP8DK3LRT 8HP outboard motor has an 20 inch long shaft and a convenient electric start with remote. The BFP8DK3LRT model has power thrust design, offering better performance for heavy loads. This model also has ultra low 3 Star CARB emissions. No shipping is available for this model, pick up only.

Type Power Thrust
Transom Height 20"
Charging System 12A
Control Remote w/ Power Tilt
Start Electric
Weight 107 lbs
Status Call for delivery date

  • Pick Up Only - No Shipping Available on This Model
  • 20" transom height
  • Remote
  • Electric Start
  • Power Thrust Design - better performance for heavy loads
  • Reverse Exhaust Relief - increased maneuverability
  • Power Tilt
  • Reliable, efficient 4-stroke design
  • Easy One Hand Starting
  • Ultra Low 3 Star CARB Emissions
  • 4-Front Corrosion Protection System - Fights the elements
  • PGM Ignition - optimal operation
  • Engine Alert System - Keeps you informed
  • Best in Class High Output Charging - 12A
  • Lightweight Rounded Design
  • Auto Start Enrichment - easy starts
  • Pendulum Mount System - smooth operation
  • EZ Steer Friction Control
  • Shallow Water Drive
  • Integrated Carrying Handle - easier transport
  • Positive Lubrication for better durability

Enchilada: Family Object
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            [family_name] => 8 HP Honda Outboard Motor
            [short_description] => <b>4-Blade Aluminum Propeller and Fuel Tank Included.</b></br>Honda’s BFP8DK3LRT 8HP outboard motor has an 20 inch long shaft and a convenient electric start with remote. The BFP8DK3LRT model has power thrust design, offering better performance for heavy loads. This model also has ultra low 3 Star CARB emissions. No shipping is available for this model, pick up only.
            [features] => * Pick Up Only - No Shipping Available on This Model
* 20" transom height
* Remote
* Electric Start
* Power Thrust Design - better performance for heavy loads
* Reverse Exhaust Relief - increased maneuverability
* Power Tilt
* Reliable, efficient 4-stroke design
* Easy One Hand Starting
* Ultra Low 3 Star CARB Emissions
* 4-Front Corrosion Protection System - Fights the elements
* PGM Ignition - optimal operation
* Engine Alert System - Keeps you informed
* Best in Class High Output Charging - 12A
* Lightweight Rounded Design
* Auto Start Enrichment - easy starts
* Pendulum Mount System - smooth operation
* EZ Steer Friction Control
* Shallow Water Drive
* Integrated Carrying Handle - easier transport
* Positive Lubrication for better durability
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                    [mta_part_number] => BFP8DK3LRT
                    [description] => 8 HP Honda Outboard Motor
                    [extra_description] => 20-IN Transom HT; Prop Incl; Fuel Tank Incl; 12A Charging System; Elec Start; Power Tilt; PWR Thrust; Remote Model
                    [keywords] => MARINE  BFP8
                    [unit_of_measure] => 
                    [uom_quantity] => 1
                    [price_line] => HONMAR-U
                    [buy_line] => HONMAR-U
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                    [Type] => Power Thrust
                    [Transom Height] => 20"
                    [Charging System] => 12A
                    [Control] => Remote w/ Power Tilt
                    [Start] => Electric


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            [724416] => Array
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                    [1] => Type
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                    [7] => eclipse.status


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            [vendor_group_id] => 11792
            [vendor_id] => 11792
            [vendor_name] => American Honda Motor/Marine
            [original_vendor_name] => American Honda Motor/Marine

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Type Power Thrust
Transom Height 20"
Charging System 12A
Control Remote w/ Power Tilt
Start Electric
Weight 107
Status Call for delivery date