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Receiver Mount Combo Hitch 6 Ton


Regular Price: $144.52


Quick Overview

  • Single piece drop forged lower jaw is designed with an integral shank to fit 2" receiver tubes
  • Black powder coat finish
  • Drawbar eye dimensions - 2-1/2" to 3" ID with 1-1/4" to 1-9/16" diameter section
  • Ball Size 2"
  • M.V.L. 2,400 lbs.

Model RM62000
Weight 20 lbs
Status Call for delivery date

  • Single piece drop forged lower jaw is designed with an integral shank to fit 2" receiver tubes
  • Black powder coat finish
  • Drawbar eye dimensions - 2-1/2" to 3" ID with 1-1/4" to 1-9/16" diameter section
  • Ball Size 2"
  • M.V.L. 2,400 lbs.
  • M.G.T.W. 12,000 lbs.

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* Black powder coat finish
* Drawbar eye dimensions - 2-1/2" to 3" ID with 1-1/4" to 1-9/16" diameter section
* Ball Size 2"
* M.V.L. 2,400 lbs.
* M.G.T.W. 12,000 lbs.
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Model RM62000
Weight 20
Status Call for delivery date